Have now produced about 80 lbs. of smoked meat products on the Weber in five cooking sessions and am frankly amazed at the quality of the result and the ease of use. But, it is probably too easy. If word gets out we will have little girls producing tender, juicy, smoke-ring brisket and the manly pastime of barbecue will be forever lost. What I am trying to say is that once you follow the simple directions in loading, lighting and adjusting the vents the smoker it will just motor on automatic pilot for hours and hours. No tending the fire, adding additional fuel, opening and closing vents, it just cruises. My first cook I fed 20 people on two briskets and six large rib racks and received many justified compliments. If you are not convinced by me, motor over to the Virtual Weber Bullet website and listen to the other owners rave about this product. Its only problem is that it takes the artistry out of barbecue cooking -- so just keep this little secret between us.
Get more detail about Weber 721001 Smokey Mountain Cooker 18-1/2-Inch Smoker.