My husband pined for a smoker for almost a decade, but the high prices always scared him off. So when we found this cute little dual smoker/grill on sale at the local hardware store, we picked it right up.
Getting home, my husband immediately began to assemble it. Because my husband believes that assembly directions are a last-resort, we did not discover that the three support-brackets were missing until it was nearly assembled and therefore impossible to return to the store.
Following the instructions written on a large paper AND within the instruction booklet saying "Missing Parts? Call Us!" we called the 800-number which sent us to an automated "leave your name & number here" message that said we would be put on an automatic callback queue. Two weeks later with NO callback, we tried again and found that there is NO way to get to an actual human via this phone number - OR the three other numbers listed on their website. We then tried using their email customer service... which was also ignored for an entire week.
After a week of no email response, we sent a complaint to the BBB. Miraculously, within a day we had a phone call! We were not home when they called, but there was a complete message on our answering machine describing how to go about faxing our request to the company - which we did the next morning. One week later, I received a second phone call. This CS rep had no record of our faxed request. I immediately faxed a second request directly to her along with the initial request & confirmation of receipt sent by their company a week prior, and somehow THEN they were able to find the initial fax request but had no idea how it could have been "lost."
One week later, after having the smoker for a full month the brackets finally came in. I must admit that the smoker is WONDERFUL! It works well, seems as if it will last for quite some time, and grills & smokes perfectly. Truly, I love the grill and the smoker is fast becoming our favorite way to cook meat & veggies simultaneously!
My advice? Make sure yours has all the parts BEFORE you begin assembling it. The product is wonderful - but the customer service was nonexistent!Get more detail about Brinkmann 810-5301-C Smoke-N-Grill Charcoal Smoker and Grill.