I purchased this stand from [...] It is cast iron, but not very sturdy. The lip is small and won't hold a very big cookbook. The base is not very strong, either. My biggest problem, though, is the fact that it constantly tilts and will not hold a book at the angle I want, especially larger cookbooks. I plan on replacing this stand soon. It's pretty to look at it, but that's about it. [...]Get more detail about Esschert Design Cast Iron Cookbook Stand.
Monday, March 15, 2010
Esschert Design Cast Iron Cookbook Stand Decide Now
I purchased this stand from [...] It is cast iron, but not very sturdy. The lip is small and won't hold a very big cookbook. The base is not very strong, either. My biggest problem, though, is the fact that it constantly tilts and will not hold a book at the angle I want, especially larger cookbooks. I plan on replacing this stand soon. It's pretty to look at it, but that's about it. [...]Get more detail about Esschert Design Cast Iron Cookbook Stand.