Weber 6422 18-Inch Grill Brush and Scraper
Our 10-year old Weber 6422 brass grill brush wore out, so we replaced it with the same model. The current model has steel bristles. Weber probably switched to steel to reduce their manufacturing costs (brass cost more), instead of staying with brass and simply raising the price to cover their costs.
In any case, steel should last longer than brass bristles. Brass is better on softer materials that could scratch such as porcelain, but for stainless steel (or steel) grill racks, steel bristles are better since they are stronger and stiffer. The bristles are NOT stainless steel as asserted by other reviewers. Weber's web site doesn't even claim the bristles are stainless. The bristles are strongly attracted to magnets, which they wouldn't be if they were stainless.
The handle should be bent upward more, so you'd be less likely to bang your hand will brushing a grill rack that's still in the barbeque grill.
The 1/4" half-round scraper is the right size for Weber steel grill wires. The bristles are numerous and close together, so they are effective in cleaning the top third or so of the grill rack wires. Competing brushes with fewer bristles or with the bristle bundles further apart can slip down between the grill wires, so they don't work as well.
Not recommended for scratch-prone surfaces, but for the old-style BBQ grills, this tool works fine and it's a still a good value.Get more detail about Weber 6422 18-Inch Grill Brush and Scraper.