Total wast of money. Will not heat up enough to cook anything unless you plan to cook it over the course of three to four days. Because the heating element it soo cheap and the fit of the rest of the smoker is loose - it will not hold even enough heat to generate smoke. The design of having a smoking pan at the bottom that is also the base for the heating element just does not work. It even has a hole in the middle of the smoking pan for ???What??? I dont know. Its a water smoker and has a water pan between the element and the meat - so it cant be for a drip cup. Just an all around aweful thing. I went out to Lowes and bought a Brinkman $89 electric water smoker that does a MUCH better job. Amazon should not even sell these as they really are not fit for use. Total garbage and now in the garbage!Get more detail about Meco 5030 Electric Grill and Combination Water Smoker.
Friday, March 12, 2010
Buy Meco 5030 Electric Grill and Combination Water Smoker
Total wast of money. Will not heat up enough to cook anything unless you plan to cook it over the course of three to four days. Because the heating element it soo cheap and the fit of the rest of the smoker is loose - it will not hold even enough heat to generate smoke. The design of having a smoking pan at the bottom that is also the base for the heating element just does not work. It even has a hole in the middle of the smoking pan for ???What??? I dont know. Its a water smoker and has a water pan between the element and the meat - so it cant be for a drip cup. Just an all around aweful thing. I went out to Lowes and bought a Brinkman $89 electric water smoker that does a MUCH better job. Amazon should not even sell these as they really are not fit for use. Total garbage and now in the garbage!Get more detail about Meco 5030 Electric Grill and Combination Water Smoker.